Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means union. Yoga is an old disciple of Hindu philosophy from India. Yoga includes both spiritual and physical exercise of our body that can build strength and flexibility. Yoga involves various types of breathing techniques and movement to promote mental and physical well –being.

Yoga poses (asanas) are of several types and have many disciples within it. A person doing yoga move from one posture to another called Asana. There is a specific mantra for each asana. Asanas are the physical poses which helps in balancing our body.

The main purpose of yoga is to connect the mind, body, and spirit. So, the classification of yoga is based on our mind, body and on a way of spiritual life and other things. There are six branches of yoga. Every branch represents a different focus and a set of characteristics.

These branches are :

  • Hatha yoga
  • Raja yoga
  • Karma yoga
  • Bhakti yoga
  • Jnana yoga
  • Tantra yoga

Yoga is very beneficial for our heath. It has many physical and mental benefits. Let’s discuss some benefits of yoga.

Yoga helps in

  • Enhancing flexibility
  • Supporting health issues
  • Reducing stress
  • Improving sleep
  • Building muscle strength
  • Improving depression related conditions

Some breathing techniques which are involved in yoga are known as Prayanama. Kapalabhati, Anulom Vilom, Shavasana, Surya Namaskar, Shashankasana, Sarvangasana, and Halasana are some of the best asanas. Yoga Asanas were practiced during sunrise or sunset. Yoga helps you to make your body free from stress and tension.

The classification of yoga is based on several factors of our body which we had earlier discussed such as mind, things, body and many more. If our body is not healthy to do these asanas, so we would have to face some side effects and risks. So, you should do asanas by following these tips.

  • Advanced poses and techniques should be avoided by beginners.
  • Before starting yoga people should consult medical professional.
  • Pregnant women, back problems facing peoples, and diseases facing peoples should also avoid advanced exercises.

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